Monday, November 26, 2012

The lions den...

Or so it would seem.

(let me just preface this with the fact that I am aware that I make typos in my blog, and frankly I dont care. - thanks! no ones said anything about them, just letting you all know)

Well tomorrow I start my 2100 hour classes Kind of a mixed bag of emotions right now. Turns out Dan wasn't the only guy I'm seeing that currently has a wife; Mr. Realestate is equally as guilty if not more, his wife just pends most of her time in Minot. Which also explains how he has so much time for me. Well he certainly wont be receiving the same quality scalp massage in the wash house anymore. (again another failed attempt at a joke) maybe my humor is only good in real life.)

Kind of stressed about my 2100 hour situation, I'm excited for starting new classes and continuing my education, but honestly I'm kind of worried I will be walking in there with a target on my back. kind of not excited for that aspect. I guess someone was complaining out loud to one of our learning leaders about how I shouldn't be in there, which is ironic since my tuition is being payed just like theirs is.  But, I guess with someone people it just doesn't really matter.

Today in school I got to help a few other future professionals - in Paul Mitchell language that means students. Its kind of cool showing them things I've already learned and giving them tips and tricks like how to create custom colors by enhancing and neutralizing unwanted pigment. If there's one thing I'm glad for its how much experience I've had with color during my time at JZ Trend.

You know that feeling when you feel like you need to listen to your instincts, well I've been having that a lot lately and honestly I'm not 100% on whether I should listen or not.. It seems like my logic side of my brain is stronger than my intuitive side, however i know that doesn't mean logic automatically wins out every time.

I'm just confused, not sure whether I'm coming or going... but maybe that's the path I'm on right now. Maybe the beauty of the situation is that I'm the one in charge whether I listen to my logic or intuition every decision from here on out is what i want.

So whether is my love life or school that's the lion den, I guess  only have one choice, I'm going in and hopefully I will make it out the other side.

Wish me luck,


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