Monday, November 26, 2012

yes its 2 am

and I cant sleep. smh.

Today was an interesting day to say the least, I spent two and half hours outside moving and setting up a hot tub. And while I can say I can check another accomplishment off my list of things didn't know I wanted to do, it was truly an experience I'm glad i had.

With my world existing so much in design and what look is currently trending it was nice to just get my hands dirty and do some manual labor. I'm not saying I particularly enjoy lifting insanely heavy objects but lets face it its nice to show a side of ourselves that we don't normally get to. It's also nice knowing we can put ourselves outside of our comfort zone and finish a project others wouldn't be able to.

 (if this starts making less sense I just drugged myself with allergy medicine my sinuses have seen better days. - note: I unknowingly chose to wear flip flops and a hoody as my outside gear for today it was 19 degrees and colder if you count windchill. So I'm positive I shall befall some sort of viral plague as a result.)

I've been thinking a lot about some of my past relationships and I'm sure this is a bad thing. I've been second guessing some of my relationships in the past. There are obvious reasons why I've ended them or why they fell apart; but all the same, seeing exes, its always like being stabbed in the stomach. - and sometimes like they're twisting the blade.

  - Why is this relevant?

well, its got me thinking about my current almost relationships. I know, plural, it sounds bad. But I'm working on narrowing it down substantially.  I'm just so confused. I've been told by some one the men in my past that I require a certain type of attention. Is that bad?  I don't feel like I'm reaching for the stars its just that for some reason i require a lot of attention. But the attention has to be on my terms. I don't want you being clingy to me, but if i expect you to drop everything and come over, well, if you want to stay in my world you only have one option.  - not to imply I'm some sort of dictator, I fully understand people have other things going on but if your sitting at home or having a beer with your friends you see every other day, please respect the fact that I am a priority. Or that if i text you, i expect more than a one word response.

So this brings me to my current dilemma, I spent some amazing time with Dan the other night, he was thoughtful and we had amazing conversation, and then well we had some equally great physical chemistry if you know what I mean. Here's where it gets tricky, Dan is currently in the process of getting a divorce, ha typical right? The divorce isn't what I'm concerned about at all actually. I'm not sure if he knows the whole back story for this crazy train he's about to get himself on. i.e. me.

And on top of all that there are a few other men competing for my attention. I honestly don't find any of them as interesting at the moment as Dan but I guess we are just going to have to see about that. Especially since Amanda's having a party this weekend and she wants me to bring someone with. - maybe i should be more cautious about who I'm putting all of this out there to but honestly I'm just going to hope for the best. Writing seems to be my best way to figure out my life lately.

I guess I'm just confused, I don't feel like the attention I require could be more specific or that I require more than would be normal in any other relationship. But, at the same time i guess crazy people don't know they're crazy. (me attempting to make a joke)

Moving on! In any case my hair doesn't require and special attention anymore, I'm healthy. At least one part of my life is uncomplicated.

Now if only it were this easy to fix and take care of everything else.

If you, like me are looking for a break, try this! A dab on the wrist or behind your ears, maybe even adding it to a bath if you have the time for a relaxing soak.

Lavender Mint Essential Oil
Pure Essential Oil
This versatile oil inspires harmony and restores balance.
Helps ease everyday tensions.
Provides a soothing aromatherapy session.
  • Pure lavender oil helps ease fatigue, headaches and anxiety.
  • Natural mint oils help bring clarity.
  • Tingly tea tree is a natural antiseptic known for its healing properties.

Anyway, I am off to bed where hopefully I can get some rest. Take care xoxo

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