Saturday, November 10, 2012


Label: Noun. A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it.

What labels do we attach to ourselves?  What labels are attached to us by other people? Better yet what do labels have to do with this blog? Let me explain.

Labels don't really exist in the beauty industry, why? as soon as we label something its liable to change, short hair? - extensions. long hair? - bob. blonde? - 1N. There are many instances where this is more than true. But there are some labels we cant shed or hide from others so easily.  Those would be the labels we put on ourselves, the labels that are the most limiting and destructive. Failure. loser. alone. Not all labels carry negative connotation like mother, dad, sister, brother, friend, companion. But when we get so used to seeing ourselves in one light; the struggle becomes recognizing other aspects of ourselves. For instance I'm a homosexual hairstylist. Two labels that do define me one for my personal life, and one for my work life. both are things that I can love, accept, and appreciate about myself, but they're also limiting, I'm not a doctor, lawyer, or breeder. But a label can mean one thing to the person wearing it and at the same time mean something completely different to those reading it from the outside. For example to some I'm a walking stereotype. and lets be honest there's nothing that's a bigger mess than a walking cliche. But like any quality garment, I come with care instructions. I don't have to be washed in cold with like colors. I'm multifaceted, one label or a hundred cant define a person. Were ever changing and while somethings are a constant, others aren't. Everyday we have the ability to wake up and put on a new outfit - or daily perspective. WE have the ability to show the world how were going to be defined, I will never be defined as a victim or outcast. I will never be labeled as unloved, or broken. In all honesty I'm a little like my hair, a little ruffed up and occasionally frazzled at the ends. But that will never be how I chose to have people see me.

the truth is we live in a world that uses labels, we cant just sit on the curb and wait for the bus full of people that wont read into ours. The best thing we can do is pick ourselves up, dust of the labels others put on us, and strut it out. Besides I cant honestly think of a label that sounds better than Success or feels better than Happiness, and those are two labels I plan on wearing for a long time.

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