Thursday, October 18, 2012

not enough time?

well, that seems to be the one constant i can count on as of late. I know I've been neglecting to write something new hear for a while and honestly its not from lack of inspiration. I think that I've just been trying to process everything going on. Want to hear some fun goings on?

-For starters i gave a 9 month old boy his first hair cut. He loved it! He got all sorts of attention from the girls on the floor and I learned some amazing new tricks to help deal with children from Melissa. She's a very talented instructor and I'm super glad we have her... I'll explain more later about why i love her. (Apparently duck bill clips work great for getting kids to look at one point - so they stop moving their head.  Just clip it on the cape.)

-Attendance haha... well mines been great haven't missed a single hour yet this month ;P and i plan on making up a total of four Saturdays this month. So my worksheets already pretty much done.

-I've also started searching for my post school era job. Which is no small feat. Its almost as overwhelming as going to school. But I've recently allied myself with Vicky and were taking it on together haha im just not sure if she knows she's as involved as I'm planning on her being.

- Acne medication vs. Wax. well in the case of today, acne medication and wax tied. I finished the service but my poor teenage guest just though it was normal for her skin to blister from being waxed. I simple dismissed her redness because she had already told me she gets very red, But when i realized it more closely resembled raw hamburger than human skin I began asking questions. It only took me two questions to get to the cause, acne medication. This is why I love Melissa, I grabbed her immediately and explained the situation. She remained calm which helped me regain some calm - clearly not all of it. But she explained the situation to my guest and let her know the redness she was experiencing wasn't normal. Then we explained to her about threading and how it would be a great option for her. Melissa even gave her a great home remedy for her sores, milk, apparently it takes heat out and will promote the skin to heal. (Acne medication cause the skins natural structure to change either by weakening it, or thinning it, which is why you should never perform a wax service on someone taking and prescription strength acne medication without permission from their dermatologist.)

-Finally i haven't made up my mind yet about confronting you know who from face your fears day. Am I being spineless? Should i just man up? I honestly think I'm waiting until i know what i actually want to have happen. Some part of me and I'm not sure why thinks that i can fix whatever the issue is. Worse  case scenario im only in school two more months.

- My final day will be in the first week of December! So excited!

Here's some product info if you like me are running short on time. :) Fast Form - love it, live it.

Fast Form

Cream Gel

Soothes, tames and secures any texture
with long-lasting hold.
Reduces drying time and creates
great detail.
Works wonders on curls with defined,
frizz-free results.
  • Shea butter, evening primrose, avocado and
    jojoba oils boost shine and manageability.
  • Versatile formula can be applied to wet or dry hair.

So, thanks if you've made it this far once again haha I'm sure I'm not the greatest blogger out there, but i did just realize tonight that there's a typo in my blog title! fixing that asap.

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