Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'll be the mean girl

Theres been a lot of cattiness and just general gossip flying around lately. Why is it that such an amazing field of work is tarnished by its reputation of gossip?  This is something i dont really understand... In paul mitchelle culture we have a bitch buddy sytem - to in part reduce this. but, what happens when your bitch buddy has loose lips? Or something things that by choosing one but bitch buddy their entitled to choose the whole class, or school.

I know in the end that the kind of people who are negative and love to have that kind of attention surround them are only limiting themselves and their careers. But what about everyone else in the meantime? Are  we supposed to just let them say and do whatever they want? to put it short honestly im tired of being defamed on a daily basis. Am i supposed to draw more attention to the already wild and extreme comments being made about me. I may not be the perfect person, but i can genuinely say i try to be a good person.

the craziest part of all of this now is that the person spreading these false accusations about me is not attempting to take out their feelings towards me on my friend.

Yesterday i resolved that i will be the mean girl. So, just like when a snake bites you, and you have to suck out all the venom; that's what i have to do. Gossip and lies are like  venom. I'm going to suck out all the venom from my life.  I'm going to resolve this if it kills me today haha. Dont worry i'm sure there will be a follow up post tot this.

- on a side not have you read the "be nice or else book"? its honestly very inspirational and it has some great advice. Today i will be facing someone and clearing with them. One way or another. I am resolved.

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