Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Caper - "my dreams, my future"

What is Caper you may ask? - Well let me give you the run down. It’s an intense three months of selling "bags" of product to win a once  in a life time trip to Las Vegas. (Where you will be educated by some of the biggest names in the hair industry.) Sounds exciting right? Well of course it is, or did you miss the Las Vegas part?!

But as with all great things, there's a catch. Students must sell 80 of the bags at my school to secure their ticket, and of course there are only 10 tickets. So this creates quite the predicament.... how does one go about selling so many bags when they're in such steep competition. I'm currently on the phone with my mom and we’re strategizing haha.  

This is what I’ve broken it down into. Three amazing and undeniable reasons to support a future professional and buy a bag!

1.      We aren’t always going to be future professionals, eventually were going to be out in the real world. And let’s face it even though it’s in Vegas were there to learn. By investing in our advanced education you’re investing in your own head of hairs future.
2.      It’s not just helping us, it’s also helping yourself you’re getting a great price point on professional PM product! – Which of course we both know you’re in need of…. Tresemme isn’t cutting it anymore. If your living in an adult world let’s try some adult products.  
3.      It’ll feel good. Even if you weren’t getting product out of the deal would it just make you feel good to help someone reach and achieve such an amazing goal, to help them experience a truly motivating and life altering experience?! 

Let’s be excited about this! I know I am. Opportunities like this don’t come every day for students living in the Midwest. We have a very wide range of opportunities but none of which include the possibility of meeting the people, who are the driving force behind one of the most successful and inspiration companies to work for - Paul Mitchell -  its far more than a range of products, its schools, and other material things. It’s a lifestyle, culture, and most importantly a family. By supporting your helping us to reach – our dreams, our future.

Did I mention its held at Caesars Palace???


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