Sunday, October 7, 2012

secrets, thats why her hairs so big.

There's a simple beauty in just getting your hair done, I mean it’s not just the act of cutting it strand by strand or coloring it section by section. There's a strong connection formed between client and hairdresser.

A truly great makeup artist once told me that we have two ears and one mouth so we should listen twice as much as we speak.  So how do you keep balance and make sure the conversation keeps its momentum? haha I just ask simple questions of course they have to be open ended, but beyond that sometimes it’s possible to even steer the conversation in a direction you want it to go; even more than all of that its important to listen. It’s extremely easy to pick up when someone’s tuned you out and given up on what you’re saying. - which is probably the easiest way to devalue your client and lose them.

Personally I try to not draw to many parallels between what they're saying and what’s happened in my life. I want the attention to be on them and not me; they're paying to have the focus be them.  Let’s face it I know a lot of people could enjoy a hour long journey into my life but let’s be real haha that's not why they're in my chair.

When your client opens up to you it’s not for you to share with every other appointment you have that day/week. It’s just to share with you. You don't need to take it to heart and mull it over throughout your appointment just hear it and let it go, chances are it doesn't pertain to anything you will ever need to know. If it’s something that affects you, use those amazing conversational skills and steer the conversation somewhere else. BE POSITIVE. Negativity hates POSITIVITY and will remove itself from your presence.

---- Thoughts on hair school this week.

Not everyone is going to like me, haha well I’ve known that for a while actually. They don’t even have to have a reason; sometimes people just don’t like you. Simple as that. But what’s new is this- I can turn out some amazing hair. What does that mean? I don’t need them to give me my value. My clients already do that for me. Every time they leave happy with a smile on their face for whatever reason, and I’m sure most of it comes from my personality and not their hair, I know I’ve made a difference in their life. even if it only last fifteen minutes after they leave, for one moment they knew they were beautiful and worth feeling that way.

Take whats told to you and stick it where it belongs, in your backcombing. I'm sure you can think of a thing or two to add some lift to your hair.


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