Sunday, December 9, 2012

a grain of sand, a minute of sanity

Well, a lot has been going on as of late, 2100 is going amazing I feel like its completely changed the way I work with hair. I'm learning so much in the classes and being able to utilize it on the clinic floor. I honestly feel like I'm a very strong hair stylist now, I've learned a few new ways to "bring it",

SO much has gone on though, I got to meet Vivien Mackinder, She is a true legend. Right now she's based out of NYC but before that she worked in the UK and was the creative director for Vidal Sassoon at the age of 23. Her portfolio and range of work was so comprehensive I was honestly left speechless. (Which I'm guessing if you read my blog, you know that doesn't happen to me very often)

- One quote that sticks out to me from everything she said, and she said a lot. It was an full 8 hour day of training with her. is this "You can choose to be in the removal business, or the design business."  When I look at hair now I feel like its so much more than what I thought before, with Paul Mitchell Systems, you in the beginning learn cutting in a very precise geometric fashion, sometimes great fashion stems from art, art happens to live in design and we cant have one without the other. Hair isn't something where I can tell you that if you always do it one way you will always achieve the same result. Just like every person who sits in our chair is different and an individual so is their hair. They all want something different and unique, we want our external to match our internal, and theres nothing wrong with that. That's why as hair dressers we have two choices with our work, we can be in the business of removing it without a care in the world, not questioning if we are doing our clients a disservice, or we can be in the business of designing for them a custom piece of art, that is perhaps even more important than any painting or sculpture they will every hang or show. Their hair is a piece of art that they will wear everyday of their life. Its every woman and mans first accessory whether they choose to recognize it or not. 

Now as for a little bit of my personal life, does anyone know how to get balance? Like for real, this whole thing everything has been so overwhelming lately, school, friends, family, work, and not to mention love. In all honesty if their were a award ceremony for dating like there are for movies, I would most definitely be nominated in multiple categories.  The lions den seems to be going okay, all things considered, its funny how when you start seeing things for what they really are, sometimes you realize you were worried about something that shouldnt have even been on your radar.

here's a fun video hopefully i get a chance to do this cut sometime this week!

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