Monday, November 26, 2012

The lions den...

Or so it would seem.

(let me just preface this with the fact that I am aware that I make typos in my blog, and frankly I dont care. - thanks! no ones said anything about them, just letting you all know)

Well tomorrow I start my 2100 hour classes Kind of a mixed bag of emotions right now. Turns out Dan wasn't the only guy I'm seeing that currently has a wife; Mr. Realestate is equally as guilty if not more, his wife just pends most of her time in Minot. Which also explains how he has so much time for me. Well he certainly wont be receiving the same quality scalp massage in the wash house anymore. (again another failed attempt at a joke) maybe my humor is only good in real life.)

Kind of stressed about my 2100 hour situation, I'm excited for starting new classes and continuing my education, but honestly I'm kind of worried I will be walking in there with a target on my back. kind of not excited for that aspect. I guess someone was complaining out loud to one of our learning leaders about how I shouldn't be in there, which is ironic since my tuition is being payed just like theirs is.  But, I guess with someone people it just doesn't really matter.

Today in school I got to help a few other future professionals - in Paul Mitchell language that means students. Its kind of cool showing them things I've already learned and giving them tips and tricks like how to create custom colors by enhancing and neutralizing unwanted pigment. If there's one thing I'm glad for its how much experience I've had with color during my time at JZ Trend.

You know that feeling when you feel like you need to listen to your instincts, well I've been having that a lot lately and honestly I'm not 100% on whether I should listen or not.. It seems like my logic side of my brain is stronger than my intuitive side, however i know that doesn't mean logic automatically wins out every time.

I'm just confused, not sure whether I'm coming or going... but maybe that's the path I'm on right now. Maybe the beauty of the situation is that I'm the one in charge whether I listen to my logic or intuition every decision from here on out is what i want.

So whether is my love life or school that's the lion den, I guess  only have one choice, I'm going in and hopefully I will make it out the other side.

Wish me luck,


yes its 2 am

and I cant sleep. smh.

Today was an interesting day to say the least, I spent two and half hours outside moving and setting up a hot tub. And while I can say I can check another accomplishment off my list of things didn't know I wanted to do, it was truly an experience I'm glad i had.

With my world existing so much in design and what look is currently trending it was nice to just get my hands dirty and do some manual labor. I'm not saying I particularly enjoy lifting insanely heavy objects but lets face it its nice to show a side of ourselves that we don't normally get to. It's also nice knowing we can put ourselves outside of our comfort zone and finish a project others wouldn't be able to.

 (if this starts making less sense I just drugged myself with allergy medicine my sinuses have seen better days. - note: I unknowingly chose to wear flip flops and a hoody as my outside gear for today it was 19 degrees and colder if you count windchill. So I'm positive I shall befall some sort of viral plague as a result.)

I've been thinking a lot about some of my past relationships and I'm sure this is a bad thing. I've been second guessing some of my relationships in the past. There are obvious reasons why I've ended them or why they fell apart; but all the same, seeing exes, its always like being stabbed in the stomach. - and sometimes like they're twisting the blade.

  - Why is this relevant?

well, its got me thinking about my current almost relationships. I know, plural, it sounds bad. But I'm working on narrowing it down substantially.  I'm just so confused. I've been told by some one the men in my past that I require a certain type of attention. Is that bad?  I don't feel like I'm reaching for the stars its just that for some reason i require a lot of attention. But the attention has to be on my terms. I don't want you being clingy to me, but if i expect you to drop everything and come over, well, if you want to stay in my world you only have one option.  - not to imply I'm some sort of dictator, I fully understand people have other things going on but if your sitting at home or having a beer with your friends you see every other day, please respect the fact that I am a priority. Or that if i text you, i expect more than a one word response.

So this brings me to my current dilemma, I spent some amazing time with Dan the other night, he was thoughtful and we had amazing conversation, and then well we had some equally great physical chemistry if you know what I mean. Here's where it gets tricky, Dan is currently in the process of getting a divorce, ha typical right? The divorce isn't what I'm concerned about at all actually. I'm not sure if he knows the whole back story for this crazy train he's about to get himself on. i.e. me.

And on top of all that there are a few other men competing for my attention. I honestly don't find any of them as interesting at the moment as Dan but I guess we are just going to have to see about that. Especially since Amanda's having a party this weekend and she wants me to bring someone with. - maybe i should be more cautious about who I'm putting all of this out there to but honestly I'm just going to hope for the best. Writing seems to be my best way to figure out my life lately.

I guess I'm just confused, I don't feel like the attention I require could be more specific or that I require more than would be normal in any other relationship. But, at the same time i guess crazy people don't know they're crazy. (me attempting to make a joke)

Moving on! In any case my hair doesn't require and special attention anymore, I'm healthy. At least one part of my life is uncomplicated.

Now if only it were this easy to fix and take care of everything else.

If you, like me are looking for a break, try this! A dab on the wrist or behind your ears, maybe even adding it to a bath if you have the time for a relaxing soak.

Lavender Mint Essential Oil
Pure Essential Oil
This versatile oil inspires harmony and restores balance.
Helps ease everyday tensions.
Provides a soothing aromatherapy session.
  • Pure lavender oil helps ease fatigue, headaches and anxiety.
  • Natural mint oils help bring clarity.
  • Tingly tea tree is a natural antiseptic known for its healing properties.

Anyway, I am off to bed where hopefully I can get some rest. Take care xoxo

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Search of...

 - quick scroll to the bottom and play the song before going on and reading this blog.

Something better. That's my generation it seems. We're re all looking even if we have exactly what it is we need and want. There's some belief deeply rooted in our minds. Its that deep want and belief that maybe were missing out on something even better than what we already have. I for one am terrible with this, i want so desperately to have the best of everything, from hair, to clothing, to love. Love, that's the tricky one. Do we ever stop looking for our one great love? What if we already have our great love? Is it that we only get one great love? Can we get multiple options for our happily ever after?

I personally want so desperately to feel loved unconditionally; find my other half, the person who will face forever with me. But, alas I am a hopeless romantic and idealist. I don't know if you've had the opportunity to learn that about me yet or not.

I'm sure by now you wondering what this has to do with hair right? well here's the loop. Stop looking for something better, feel free to change, but not scared to trust. Try keeping the same stylist, They know you, they know your style, how your hair lives, how you live. They've been cutting your layers and and know how to maintain what you love. The same is true with relationships, if we keep sampling other lovers, well, we pick up little pieces of them and leave pieces of ourselves with them. The next thing you know your walking around the product of diluted misguided actions. Your hairs uneven and your personal life's one round brush short of a great blow out.

Now, let me challenge you if you like me are date hopping, stop, give them a real chance. Give your hair stylist the opportunity to be everything you want. And don't be afraid to trust and take in what they have to offer you.  This could be a truly pivotal point for me, and you. Lets make a change.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

So much...

has been happening this week! ahhhhh!

 - So I taught a PK (product knowledge) class on the Curls line!
 - I got to meet Alee Kao (he's kind of a big deal) the PM artistic direction for 14 Eurasian countries
 - Received the amazing honor of being Future Professional of the Month - November
 - Recieved a F.A.C.E. award for my return clientel
 - Survived my graduation ceremony
 - And got the flu, all in one week.
 - Oh, and one of the most prestigious salons in town has been expressing interest in me after school.

So where do you go when all of your hair school dreams come true?

Well I havent had time to figure that out yet. But I'm hoping its somewhere warm. - or I could just wait for the room to stop spinning before I make any new plans.

And Speaking of warm, if you havent tried this product it should be on your shopping list the next time you go see your hair dresser!

Hot Off The Press®
Thermal Protection Spray
Protects fragile strands from damage caused by heat styling.
Boosts hair’s strength, fights frizz and provides flexible hold.
Adds great memory for effortless curls or smoothing with a hot iron.
  • Rice hull extract builds a weightless barrier between hair and heat styling tools.
  • Wheat proteins deliver an extra dose of strength.
Sizes (oz): 1.5 6


Label: Noun. A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it.

What labels do we attach to ourselves?  What labels are attached to us by other people? Better yet what do labels have to do with this blog? Let me explain.

Labels don't really exist in the beauty industry, why? as soon as we label something its liable to change, short hair? - extensions. long hair? - bob. blonde? - 1N. There are many instances where this is more than true. But there are some labels we cant shed or hide from others so easily.  Those would be the labels we put on ourselves, the labels that are the most limiting and destructive. Failure. loser. alone. Not all labels carry negative connotation like mother, dad, sister, brother, friend, companion. But when we get so used to seeing ourselves in one light; the struggle becomes recognizing other aspects of ourselves. For instance I'm a homosexual hairstylist. Two labels that do define me one for my personal life, and one for my work life. both are things that I can love, accept, and appreciate about myself, but they're also limiting, I'm not a doctor, lawyer, or breeder. But a label can mean one thing to the person wearing it and at the same time mean something completely different to those reading it from the outside. For example to some I'm a walking stereotype. and lets be honest there's nothing that's a bigger mess than a walking cliche. But like any quality garment, I come with care instructions. I don't have to be washed in cold with like colors. I'm multifaceted, one label or a hundred cant define a person. Were ever changing and while somethings are a constant, others aren't. Everyday we have the ability to wake up and put on a new outfit - or daily perspective. WE have the ability to show the world how were going to be defined, I will never be defined as a victim or outcast. I will never be labeled as unloved, or broken. In all honesty I'm a little like my hair, a little ruffed up and occasionally frazzled at the ends. But that will never be how I chose to have people see me.

the truth is we live in a world that uses labels, we cant just sit on the curb and wait for the bus full of people that wont read into ours. The best thing we can do is pick ourselves up, dust of the labels others put on us, and strut it out. Besides I cant honestly think of a label that sounds better than Success or feels better than Happiness, and those are two labels I plan on wearing for a long time.