Friday, September 28, 2012

"Straightening" things out -

Well today I had a new client, this infinitely interesting 16 year old girl. It’s amazing how someone that on first glance you think you already know can somehow abruptly and unintentionally change you whole day. Let’s just say for times’ sake that today, well today was not one of my fondest days spent in hair school, frustrating would be an understatement. But this girl, she was my first chemical relaxer, now to someone outside the industry that may not seem like a big deal, but let me just tell you that the area I live in, well it’s not exactly diverse in culture. - German - Norwegian - and of course any other non-exotic nationality that springs to mind.

So, in my chair I found her, shoulder length hair. (natural blonde level 8) - with extremely curly hair. Not just your run of the mill curl, I'm talking that tight natural spiral, that when tamed can melt hearts. It almost broke my heart to turn it straight. What product did I use to relax her? Well of course it was Paul Mitchell (Paul Mitchell relaxers are sodium hydroxide, not to be used over thio relaxer) are you seeing the trend here? I used the regular strength relaxer mixed half and half with the super strength relaxer, processing time was around 20 minutes and my guest only barely complained of discomfort.

The final affect was amazing; the relaxer both conditioned and smoothed the hair. For post treatment, I started with shampoo two (my personal favorite pm shampoo, then moved to Tea Tree lavender mint shampoo and conditioner, and finished with the detangler. After drying her, well, her hair was straight and lustrous. I was needless to say excited, I did go through her hair section by section and straiten her hair to remove bulk, and polish strands.

However, the biggest transformation was in my guest. She had been waiting a very long time for this service. She couldn't wait to show her friends, she actually had them come and meet her at the school. The reason I think this is important is that I feel like sometimes we get caught up in the routine of what we’re doing, we don't look beyond it to see the emotional tie that's buried deep within our guest. This was a turning point, not just for her but for me. I can continue having not so great days or I can choose to see the magic that lives in what do we and create for people on a daily basis. We help people fix themselves. We make people see beauty where they’ve been taking it for granted for years. We help; shy, courageous, 16 year old girls find confidence in their own reflection. That’s how I know I’m in the right industry.

Here are my babies. If you’re curious about what the backbone of my style and finishes look like take a peek. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Food for thought - or hair

One simple sentence - one blunt meaning

I know I have for years worried about what people think about me, and honestly let it affect everything down to how I style/cut my own hair. I wish i could go back and call a do over with this one thing in particular.

As a hairstylist i feel like I associate much of who i am with my "crowning glory". Its my own billboard, it advertises to the word that yes, I have amazing fashionable locks, and for a price you can as well. But even more than that, women associate it with their femininity, men with their power and role in society - lets face it there's a reason why we call that power suit typical hair cut a Caesar.

So how do you get a powerful look that explains you own identity down to your very core? Think outside the box - play with color, dimension, texture. Own who you are in the very moment. Take inspiration from things that move you. And if all else fails. Use hairspray.

I reach for this in my most pressing  times of need.


Extra-Body Finishing Spray

- Volume and Shine
- Basics:
Fights frizz, adds shine and secures
  hard-to-hold hair.
- Benefits:
Provides a bodifying boost so hair looks and feels thicker.
- Bonus:
Dries instantly without flaking or stickiness.
  • Panthenol and hydrolyzed wheat protein build body.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

humility - and the be nice culture

Regardless of what industry you find yourself either working in/ wanting to work in, you’re going to find that there is a set bar of expectations. This is in all honestly neither a bad nor good thing. If we don't have the skills required we won’t be able to easily accomplish set tasks; but if your lacking one skill maybe, just maybe, you will be able to create a new way of accomplishing the same thing.

In hair for instance there are hundreds of ways to cut hair and achieve a multitude of different effects. This is the combined affect of all hair dressers; where one saw a problem another saw an answer. The people lacking knowledge or the people who simple don't know the standard way of doing things are, to me more often than not the spark behind change.

So why do we go off to school? School is in my opinion to build a platform; a solid base of knowledge that should be easily built upon by your own experiences. - some of us have to learn through experience. I for one will never cut fringe wet ever again. School should also be inspiring not just in your field of learning but also in other manners of your own personal life. Anyone that’s attended a Paul Mitchell school know about the "be nice book" I remember our first class on it - we were all in tears. It’s funny how being in a group of your peers all crying together can bond all of you, even with those who you thought you had nothing in common with.

But the most important thing that I've picked up from these “be nice classes” is that if we’re comfortable were not growing. You may think that's a ridiculous statement but are we comfortable when faced with conflict, ignorance, or just someone who chooses to disagree with something you hold to be true in your own heart?  I know I’m not. But I think the one thing that’s changed me the most is not being able to hide things from those I love the most; being forced to be honest, having to ask for help. A little humility can go a long ways, especially when you’re forced to swallow every ounce of pride you have to do so.

In my experience attending a Paul Mitchell school the one thing I can say is that it made me uncomfortable. It made me grow. In my next 500 hours of hair school we will have to see what happens, don’t get to worried I’m sure we will have a few more posts pertaining to my – education.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tangled Tresses

Well  hair tangles are easily solved, first let’s start with a low ph shampoo and conditioner; or we could call it what it is – you’re clearly in need of a healthy trim.  Beyond that there are a number of hair treatments, miracle oils, and recovery promising products available to the average consumer on your local grocery store shelf. However when it comes to “us” are our tangles as easily solved? When the answers biting you from behind, when your friends are the only mirror you can’t avoid. Why is it that we can simply choose to straighten out everything in our life’s except for ourselves? 

Tonight, and well lately, this has been on my mind. As a hair stylist is there nothing we can control, besides the follicles we cling so desperately to? For instance, in my life there is a certain guy; ha ironically enough I and my friends know him as Mr. Big he’s been a constant in my love life for over the past year. Whether were on again or off again. I love being in the moment with him; but the minute its over I begin despising myself for being weak enough to let myself slip back to him. It’s literally the equivalent of growing out your hair the right way, letting it be healthy, and then box lightening it. – clearly not good.  So then the question becomes why do we slip back into bad habits?

But the parallel here, yes, there is a parallel. -

If were willing to enhance our natural curl with products and a diffuser. Why aren’t we willing to enhance ourselves?  Not simply enhance but actually break free of the chains that bind. Let’s put down the smoothing iron for a solid week and live as who we are. Curls have attitude, strength, and definition. 

If you have straight hair be bold, be a liar, Scrunch it in, blow it out, wrap it around a wand, and let go. Do what you want and be who you are. I think it’s when we let go that the tangles in our lives do the same. So for once, I'm taking my own advice. haha number is deleted; and I swear i wont respond to his texts. But enough about me.

Bet your wanting to know about some new innovating products now right? Well since you asked so kindly ;)

Spring Loaded Detangling Shampoo

Zero sulfates / Zero Frizz
Rich lather gently cleanses curls without roughing up the cuticle.
Prepares curls for a frizz-free finish.
Ultra-moisturizing and sulfate-free.
  • A mild, soothing blend of sulfate-free surfactants gently cleanses curls.
  • Extreme moisturizing and conditioning agents leave hair soft and manageable so curls always look their best.

Full Circle Leave-In Treatment

Frizz-Free Curl Therapy
Lightweight conditioning treatment won't weigh hair down.
Do-it-all formula hydrates, detangles and tames frizz.
Replenishes thirsty locks and helps protect against damage.
  • A smoothing, detangling lightweight conditioner helps replenish every curl.
  • Creamy formula creates a silky smooth surface.

Twirl Around

Crunch-Free Curl Definer
Dual formula swirls together hydrating cream and smoothing gel.
Defines, separates and tames unruly curls and waves without frizz or crunchiness.
Helps curls retain their bounce all day long.
  • Smoothing, conditioning, softening conditioners keep curls looking their best.
  • Crunch-free fixative leaves curls soft and touchable.

Ultimate Wave

Beachy Texture Cream-Gel
Secret weapon for creating sexy, tousled beach waves.
Forms, separates and adds loads of texture.
Humidity-resistant for perfectly imperfect frizz-free styles.
  • Strengthening, smoothing and texture building conditioners help create touchable waves.
  • Soothing and smoothing mushroom extract fights frizz.
 If you mad it this far, thanks.