Sunday, April 14, 2013

adult snow day?

Sure why not?

You know that feeling you get when you feel like your settling for less than you deserve? Well that's what emotion is currently burning its way through my fingers and onto the key board. I know I am capable of amazing things. The issue I'm having is that I settled by taking my job at regis in the mall; there's nothing wrong with being employed at a chain mall salon my issue is more within the fact that its not going to get me where I want in life. I want to be in the same category as my HAIR HERO'S I want to be associated with the best of the best I have this intense thirst for knowledge when it comes to hair. It's my passion and I want so badly to exceed everyone's expectations including my own. I want to set the world on fire with my vision of hair.

Do I force myself into the upper echelon of the hair world? Do I continue building clientele? I am currently planning a Marilyn Monroe inspired photo shoot  that I will do the hair and makeup as well as the photography for.  But once I have the photos what do I then do with them? Submit them to magazines for publishing?  Or??? What happens when your walking down the path of your life and your run out of sidewalk?

until then i guess i will continue sitting here listening to Alesso

---- also that radiant red head is from the newest collection that Angus, Takashi, and Julian are working on right now. peace. love. happiness.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

a long time coming...

So, well I am now a licensed cosmetologist working in a salon, I had calls from more elevated salons than the salon I currently work at but I love where I work. I truly do, I am happy, I can be myself, and I am in love with what I do; especially when I get to connect with others.

Sorry I haven't posted in so long, a lot has happened, and I mean a lot. I moved out, moved back, had my heart broken, and I'm learning to dance to my own beat, a different beat. Its hard when you go from being so controlled like the way I was in hair school to having such absolute freedom.

I think I'm figuring this out, and I am happy. I know that much for sure. Still struggling with balance but i think if your not, your dead.

Tonight I have loyal clients on my mind. I have a friend who I worked with while i was a receptionist in a salon while I was in school; I love her but in the past two weeks I, myself, have had two of her loyal clients change to me. I know she's going through a rough time right now, and I want to treat her the way I would want to be treated. But beyond all of that I know its wrong of me to not tell her. But how can I bring this up without hurting her? I would feel embarrassed if someone pulled me aside and informed me i was losing clients to them. And that's two just to me, god only knows how many of them have already jumped ship to others....  If anything there's a good lesson here for myself, I need to work my ass off and maintain my clients and make them love me as much as I love them.

Which means taking care of myself so I can take care of them. Why did that just occur to me?
I feel like I should have learned that a long time ago. hmmmmm

well I need to tell her soon I don't want her to find out from other people and I don't want people talking about her behind her back hopefully I can help her and someday if I need it someone will do the same for me, we hair stylists need to stick together.

also random but I found a new musician that I love Alesso check him out!